Word Test - day2-2
여러분은 3분 동안 총 10문제를 푸시게 됩니다^^
답안 제출 후 정답을 확인하실 수 있습니다
1. result in = _______
(A) manage to
(B) offer to
(C) lead to
(D) tend to
2. industrious
(A) 산업의
(B) 근면한
(C) 현대의
(D) 분별력 있는
3. 거래
(A) transcript
(B) transit
(C) transfer
(D) transaction
4. lack of = _____ of
(A) capable
(B) sorts
(C) shortage
(D) series
5. suggest = recommend = ______
(A) fail to
(B) offer to
(C) refer to
(D) agree to
6. 가장 다른 뜻의 단어는?
(A) hardly
(B) rarely
(C) scarcely
(D) strongly
7. successor
(A) 성공
(B) 후임자
(C) 성공한 사람
(D) 시리즈
8. ____________ decision = wise decision
(A) sensitive
(B) sensible
(C) responsible
(D) responsive
9. English is _______ studying hard.
(A) worth
(B) worthwhile
(C) worthy
(D) worthless
10. rely on = _______
(A) insist on
(B) carry on
(C) get on
(D) depend on
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